Achieve excellence
in your personal
and business life


Better Me | Better We | Better Organisation


As long as leaders are not clear to themselves, they will remain unclear to their employees

Such blurring leads to misunderstandings, unwanted side effects and hinders the achievement of goals. Professional self-reflection is one of the most important prerequisites for successful leadership.

Leadership arises from one's own attitude, not from taking a position. The decisive factor is how the position is filled out. This "how" is determined by your own attitude. Successful leaders question themselves and reflect. Leading means deciding, not sitting out.

Therefore, the starting point of our leadership development lies in the awareness of existing potentials and their professional development. Our basic belief: "Attitude beats position". The ideal leader is often described in theory, but can hardly be found in practice. It is more important than the search for the ideal to uncover leadership potential and to develop it effectively and efficiently.

How do we create an environment of growth in which our people can work at their natural best?


Serving leaders and teams by helping them create a culture of growth.

Want to explore and find your unique leadership style?

Want a sparring partner you can trust?

Want to develop your personality and lead with excellence?

Want to grow and lead successfully through your own strengths?

Want to boost your team productivity?

Want to develop your team engagement and productivity?

Tim is responsible for accelerating culture change by helping executive leaders eradicate disengaging management practices, discover the talents within each employee that can be developed, and establish emotional attachment as the first filter for becoming more customer-centric. He manages cultural transformation programmes and brings wide expertise in applying behavioural economics to develop robust organisational identities that reflect a company’s purpose, culture and brand.


“We all can find deep fulfillment in our lifes. It is my purpose to empower leaders and teams to change the world of work to the positive.”

– Tim Falkenhagen